Get Rid Of Large Pores In 1 week|100% Effective Remedy

What causes open pores on your face?

Most often, genetics determine who will have large pores. Other causes for large pores can be oily skin, since excess oil sits around the skin’s pores, making them appear enlarged. Oily and unclean skin can also cause oils to settle around the pores, making them appear larger as the skin around them thickens.
These pores cause the face to look dull and aged. People with oily skin are prone to this problem, thanks to excessive sebum production. The pores can also lead to complications like blackheads and acne, which mar the way you look. Factors like stress, genetics, and unhealthy skin care also give rise to open pores.


  • Green tea bag        1
  • Hot Water              1 cup
  • Ice Tray


  • Take one tea bag add dip in 1 cup hot water for few minutes.
  • Then take a ice tray and fill the tray with this green tea water.
  • Freeze it for 2 hours.After two hours.

How to apply:-

  • Before sleeping in night clean your face with cleanser.
  • Then take a green tea ice cube and rub this ice cube on the large open pores for one minute.
  • After apply ice cube then apply any moisturizer to moisturize your face.
  • Follow  this routine for 1 -2 weeks your can see the difference.
  • After two weeks use cleanser,toner,moisturizer on your face before sleeping.

Green tea ice cube:-

They also act as spot-on treatments for breakouts. No matter what state your face is in, experts weigh in on how fresh-out-of-the-freezer cubes, especially when blended with green tea, caffeine, or milk (!) can help increase blood circulation, minimize pores, and soothe inflammation for clear, radiant skin.

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